Department of computer science and engineering


Computer science engineering is the branch of engineering which studies elements both from electrical engineering and computer science and applies it to the making and development of computers and computer-based systems. Computer engineers build computers system. Computer engineers build computers such as PCs, workstations and supercomputers. They also build computer-based systems such as those in cars, planes, appliances, electronics, phones, communication networks, and many other products. Computer engineers typically design not only the hardware, but also much of the software in computer-based systems.

Computer engineers also work to carry out research on robotics, which relies heavily on using digital systems to control and monitor electrical systems like motors, communications and sensors. The general public sometimes confuses computer science with vocational areas that deal with computers (such as information technology), or think that it relates to their own experience of computers, which typically involves activities such as gaming, web-browsing, and word-processing. However, the focus of computer science is more on understanding the properties of the programs used to implement software such as games and web-browsers, and using that understanding to create new programs or improve existing ones.

Er. Rajiv Vasudev

Message from Head of the Department

It is my pleasure to welcome all the students and their parents at ACEM. Education plays a vital role in building future of a person and nation building. ACEM is committed to provide quality education in building the future of today’s youth.

At ACEM we provide best infrastructure and facilities to the students for their over all development. The college has an art of state facility comprising of equipped campus which include spacious classrooms with Audio- Visual presentation facility, modern computer lab and communication skills lab with internet in it, library with lending and reading facility, indoor- outdoor games facilities, canteen, seminar hall etc. All this is aimed to make the students ready to face the competition and challenges in their future. “Our priority is to develop a positive attitude of learning and serving among our students. Nothing gives me more happiness & satisfaction than seeing smiles on the faces of my students while learning and performing.”

Research Papers
  • Er. Rajiv Vasudev
    • A Review on Digital Image watermarking and its techniques:  Journal of Image and Graphics(JOIG ISSN: 2301-3699) in 2016 International Conference on Information Systems Engineering(ICISE-2016) held in Los Angeles USA on 20-22nd April 2016.
  • Er. TarunBhalla
    • An Analysis of various Routing Techniques used in wireless sensor Network: Published in International Journal of Engineering Trends & Technology. Volume 45 Published in March,2017.
    • A synonym based approach on Data Mining in Search Engine Optimization: International Journal of Computer trends Technology (IJCTT), Volume 12, Issue 4, June 2014, ISSN:2231-2803 Page No: 201-205.
    • Internet Control Message protocol (ICMP) and Super-Net Address extension: DAV National Congress on Science & Technology. May 2013.
    • Multi-Layer Perceptron Network for Handwriting English Character Recognition: International Journal of Computer Science & Technology (IJCST). Volume 3, Issue 4, Oct-Dec 2012 ISSN: 0976-8491 Page No: 525-529
    • Profiling on Superscalar Pipelining Architecture & Multi-Pipeline Scheduling Polices. International Journal of Computer & Electronics Research (IJCER). Volume 1, Issue 3, October 2012. ISSN: 2278-5795 Page No: 88-92.
    • Sockets and Socket Address Structure: International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). Volume 1, Issue 8, October 2012, ISSN:2278-0181
    • Mobile Agent: International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). Volume 1, Issue 8, October 2012. ISSN: 2278-0181.
  • Er. SamreetKaur
    • Digital Image Processing by using various Noise Models and Filtering Techniques, International Multitrack Conference  on Sciences, Engineering & Technical Innovatives, Volume-1,Issue 4, June 2014
    • Object Oriented Metrics followed in different steps of Software Development: A Survey, International Multitrack Conference on Sciences, Engineering & Technical Innovatives, Volume-1, Issue 4, June 2014.
    • Going Driverless with Sensors,IJSRD - International Journal of Science Engineering and Technology, June 2014.
    • Digital Image Watermarking for Protecting Rightful Ownership and Resolving False Positiveness Through the use of Singular Value Decomposition,  International Conference on Telecommunication Technology and Management(ICTTM-2015), 11-12 April, 2015, IIT Delhi.
    • Robust Digital Image Watermarking for Copyright Protection with SVD-DWT-DCT and Kalman Filtering, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER), Volume 4, Issue 1, January (2016)
    • Secured Digital Image Watermarking by using a Hybrid Technique with Kalman  Filtering, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (IJCSIT), Volume 7, Issue 2, March (2016).
  • Er. RamandeepKaur
    • Techniques of face spoof Detection: A Review International Journal of Computer Applications. Volume No. 164, April, 2017